Monday, April 23, 2012

Letter Of Explanation

It all started with a misspelled French term which Francis Rabatan had made into a big issue. Our fellow FUN committee member, James Pitterman sent an invitation for our RnR (Rewards and Recognition) event last Friday (April 19, 2012) with the phrase misspelled as ‘Bon-A-Petit’ instead of ‘Bon Appetit’. Francis corrected him about the said phrase through an Outlook message sent to all FUN Committee members. James accepted the correction and explained that he can’t resend the invitation again. Francis insisted on his point regarding the misspelled term. The other committee members responded with the same thought as the rest of us, that it was just a misspelled term for our invitation — for the first time, and need not to make a big deal out of it and it won’t have a big impact on our committee since no one aside from him reacted negatively regarding the misspelled term and that invitation was sent first to a supervisor for an approval, and it was approved anyway.
Through series of messages, still Francis didn’t stop so James asked him ‘kung ano ba talagang gusto niya’ since he already admitted his mistake, apologized, proposed that he will be careful next time, and then Karen Bundoc replied if James would even bother asking Francis for a fist fight, jokingly of course. That’s when I responded that Francis wouldn’t go that far because he can’t walk his talk (I know that for certain because Francis got previous issues with several SKIP agents such as Ira Diaz, Charlie Rose Yu, Arcie Perez and whole lot more because of his bossy behavior. You can invite them for a talk if you want to know what kind of colleague Francis is) and he deserves to have his face bombarded. And it was entirely for fun. I am completely joking. I even put lots of HAHAHAs after that and for the record, I have never bombarded anyone’s face, and also James. Hello? I don’t even have any idea where to buy a bomb. I just responded that way since the previous reply was about asking Francis for a fist fight so I exaggerated my response to make it sounds funnier. You can ask the entire SKIP agents even my supervisor how I reacted toward things and how I cracked jokes among them. I am always this loud and my jokes are usually sarcastic, exaggerated and barbaric but it was all meant for laugh. Francis himself knew that, but I know he will deny it the same way he told you guys that he’s not my friend. How could he be not my friend? We’ve been in the same LOB for almost two years now, I treat all of them as my friends and I have never ever bombarded anyone’s face or any part of their body in this company. And even if I can, still I woudn’t because hello, I need this job more than a fight. And this one is way overreacting. Was he physically and brutally hurt after those messages? Even before and after he filed his complaint to the HR? He took the jokes seriously and formed it into his own scared vision and then start saying he’s been harassed and then filed a complaint. Great.

I never harassed Francis Rabatan. Why should I? I may hate him for being so bossy and perfectionist but I will never harassed someone like him. I don’t pick fights with people who can’t fight on my level and I always choose a right place where to pick a fight, definitely not in my work place. Besides, I have better things to do at work than harass a teammate. He is harassing himself. Right after those exchanges of Outlook Messages, James said ‘Uupakan niya’ and Francis even replied, ‘Go’ and such. Then the funny part is he stood up and cried out for help from Krevs and Boss Queena, right after accepting James’ rant. Just like a child. He self pitied. He created his own fears and enemies. He requested to be transferred to a different station because he’s scared with James. Seriously? Who would ever beat a colleague inside the company’s premises, with guards, with CCTV’s, with Managers, Supervisors and co-workers? And even Boss Queena explained that to him, he still insisted to be transferred. He even said he doesn’t want to go back to his station since he got no friends left there. We are his friends. We just argued about that misspelled term but that doesn’t mean we stopped being friends. We just want him to see the bigger picture of the issue rather than pointing out that misspelled term. I guess it wasn’t our problem anymore if he doesn’t treat us as his friends, because if that’s really what he believes, everything we’ll do, even if it’s a joke, will scare him, since he doesn’t consider us his friends. And that’s the problem with him, he only think what he wants to think and believe what he wants to believe. He is never open for ideas and for our voices.
Now, concerning about my Twitter post and Facebook responses which I don’t even know why you allowed to be part of his ‘supporting evidences’ even if it’s clearly not this company’s business anymore since I did not access my Twitter/Facebook using the company’s computer, I did not state or say anything negative about the company’s name, or nature of the business or even his name (on Twitter, I tagged him on Facebook to let him know that we’re fooling around, he even ‘liked’ the post) and it’s my online accounts, I can say whatever I want to say, I can tweet whatever I want to tweet. I’ve been an online citizen since 2004 and not even in my entire online experience that my online accounts were used as an evidence for issues like this. Social media? Seriously? But fine, just to answer all his complaints about me, I’ll explain.I did not discredit and/or malign him on my tweets. Maybe he just felt that way since he created his own monsters here in the office and harass himself by feeling alone and scared and wanting to transferred to a different station. And how cute is that? I did not even mention him on my tweet but he already made up his mind that it’s him? About my Facebook response however, a former SKIP agent James Pirante asked what happened since he saw the tweet (My tweets are linked to my Facebook so they appear on my Wall, so technically, I did not post anything on my Facebook Wall about this issue) so I just replied and told him the same story I have told you in the beginning of this letter of explanation. 
So reading back the Notice To Explain letter you have given me, I guess I can even say that the offense stated there was really serious but our issue is just too childish to go that far, like what he’s trying to do. This could just  be settled in a small talk between him, us and our Supervisor but he really insisted on bringing this to the HR and I apologize for that.
Together with this letter are the screenshots of the Outlook Messages, Facebook Wall post and Twitter post for reference.
Thank you for hearing my side.

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